Q & A
Q: Where do I indicate the name of the person picking up my order?
A: No need to indicate name of person picking up the order. Anyone on island can collect your order as long as they have the buyers name and the order number.
Q: Where do I get my order number?
A: Once your order is completed, you will receive an email confirmation which will have your receipt, purchase detail, and your order number.
Q: Who’s information do I put on my order?
A: All information you put on the order should match the information associated with the payment card you are using for the order. If the name and address you put down, does not match the name and address associated with the payment card, your bank will not authorize the payment and therefore, your transaction will be declined.
Q: When will my order be ready for pickup?
A: Your order will be ready for pickup within an hour of you receiving your email confirmation.